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Sunday, April 29, 2012

PREPARATION FOR AFS (Contoh pengisian form AFS)

I am a discipline, diligent, and polite girl who have high spirit at studying. I never forget to pray unto God, I do them because I want to get what I want, it is successfully to reach future, doing duty on time is important, because I if don’t do it soon it will be load and trouble myself. Walking on the life the way it is, be grateful to god what he gave.
My personality may be is different with other own people such as I don’t like having a vacant time, so to spend it I use writing, reading, discussing and studying. It can be said that I am a hard worker, have high spirit to do something which beneficial  for me and other people, never give up and always want to know what I don’t know before, I am actively joint some organizations whether at school or out of the school because I want to learn how to be good leader.
My relationship with my family and friend s are fine, there is no trouble unto my father, mother, grandmother, etc. I respect my parents and try to obey all their rules because I know they only want the best for me. I am try to be bossy to my brothers of two even I am older than them instead I am trying to love, teach, enter, and forbid them from doing something wrong.
 Therefore to my friends I don’t twist on making friends  if they are older than me I try to regard but if they are younger than me I try to love and appreciate them.
Life in this world has a duty, it is doing what our God command an ovoid what He prohibit.
In the circle of home, I have responsibilities and my actor in the surrounding of family as daughter for my parents and as sister for my brothers from that I know what I should do for my family in the school I do my duty also as student it is of course has responsibility to study to be clever and become generation of nation for tomorrow or success girl.
Listening to music and singing some songs are my favorites because they can entertain me and make me fun and happy when I feel bored, tired and sad. I like ST12’s songs they can make me crying hearing them, Upin and Ipin, Arnold and sponge bob are my favorites movie on TV, I like their performance making laugh.
I have hobbies, they are writing or composing (poetry, articles, shirt story and beautiful word and so on) from them I will improve my talented so that I can be easier to reach future because hobby has important part for us it can help to be success but if we want to will. Thomas Edison has ever said that “a success can be got from 99% our hard work and then 1 % is our talented” So I must improve my hobby.
Since young my interest is at foreign language by it I can understand what I mean, there are people said that “by language we can reach the world” at the moment, I am on trough on studying foreign language not only material that I want but also how to speak as perfect as possible because of that I try o practice with my friends who are good at it and in the end I can speak well and I hope arriving overseas I will be better on speaking foreign language.
I pursue all my activities everyday and for my favorites when I want to do only.
I feel fine live with my family I have parents and two brothers who are clever, my father always remember me to not forget to study he always support me at education he want me to be the best. Occasionally I study together with my brothers, because I want to be a good daughter, I never forget to help my parent moreover to my mother foe example sweeping the home, cooking, and so on.
I hope after going home from overseas I can get a lot of knowledge so that later I can share my knowledge to my friends. Participation in this program is the first step in achieving my goal. My desire to circumnavigate the globe can be done in my participation in this program and give my regard to the AFS I say thank very much for helping me to achieve  the ideals and happy parents. And coming home from there I can get a lot of science and useful for me and everything.
Second I felt o be Indonesia nation, with the scholarship program will be woven out of this country an inter-state cooperation and will create a peace.  
My main purpose to join and follow the scholarship program not only to please my parents,
The most important is to develop my talents in the world language and my aspiration to go abroad and free, simply with the knowledge that I have after it from there also bring a new knowledge and new experience and fun.
I like this program and a say thank you very much to all who have helped this. 

Composed by:
Putri Nurul Hidayati

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Aku Malu

Muslimah sedih

Seandainya aku mampu berjalan di karang yang kasar diatas duri yang menyakiti dan di atas api yang membakar habis
Seandainya aku bisa melalukan dengan sepenuh hati akan segala yang aku pertanggung jawab
Seandainya aku mampu berkata benar dan tak pernah berdusta akan apa yang aku katakan
Seandainya pula aku bersedia berada pada jalan lurus, terang dan penuh cahaya-Mu pasti tak akan menjadi setengah berdiri
Bahkan aku mengakui untuk mengikuti dan mendekati tapi aku kadang mengingkari swndiri dan meninggalkan sesuatu yang aku anggap benar ketika aku sadar
Sekarang aku malu
Malu untuk terus maju untuk Keridhaan-Nya
Bagaimana aku menanti diri sendiri sedang aku ini kadang menyesali dan kadang pula melupakan apa yang aku sesali
Sungguh aku malu kepada Rabb
Isak tangis seakan habis sia-sia hanya untuk pengakuan percuma
Aku ingin mengatakan astaghfirullah hal’adzim untuk seterusnya dan selamanya
Aku malu sungguh malu
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Ciri Wanita Sholehah

Wanita Muslimah

Telah di jelaskan di dalam Al-Qur'an bahwa perhiasan dunia adlah wanita dan perhiasaan itu indah maka wanita itu juga indah.
bagaimana menjadi dan mempunyai pribadi muslimah yang baik?
berikut hal-hal yang perlu diterapkan oleh wanita untuk menjadi a real muslimah:
  1. Senantiasa mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Wanita yang baik akan senang dengan dengan tugas -tugasnya di dunia yaitu beribadah kepada Allah, sholat lima waktu tepat waktu, berpuasa bulan ramadhan, sholat malam dan di sepanjang malam mulutnya digunakan untuk berdzikir, dan membaca Al-Qur'an.
  2. Senantiasa berperilaku baik, menjaga mulutnya dari perkataan kotor dan berakhlakul karimah karena akhlak ialah bunga diri yang indah dilihat oleh mata.
  3. Akan tampak lebih indah bila seorang wanita senantiasa menjaga dirinya dengan menutupi tubuh dengan hijab dan gaun-gaun muslimah yang tidak ketat dan tidak membentuk postur tubuhnya.
  4. Menjaga kebersihan baik kebersihan luar maupun dalam. bersih dalam menjaga kerapian pakaian, badannya, mulutnya supaya tidak bau, bersih hatinya dari perbuatan dosa yang bisa berbuah dosa dan menjaga jati dirinya sebagai wanita yang selayaknya.
  5. Akan selalu menggunakan waktunya untuk belajar dan menuntut ilmu terutama ilmu agama serat menggunakan waktu luangnya dengan sebaik-baiknya dan bermanfaat bagi dirinya maupun orang lain.
Inilah yang akan menjadikan kita sebagai wanita yang mempunyai pribadi yang baik dan yang sesuai dengan syari'at islam.
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